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Schoology Help

We use Schoology for our learning management system. Schoology is the official form of online communication between the school and parents and students.

Please use our request forms if you need any help with Schoology.

After you have gone through this page, if you still need help, please contact the school to schedule a technical support appointment.

Click below, if you need a new account, or need to add a new child to your account

اضغط الرابط التالى ان اردت اضافة طفل لحسابك او ان لم يكن لديك حساب

** Schoology Parent Account


How to use Schoology for parents



What do I do if I forgot my account password?

1: Open the link: http://app.schoology.com/login

2: Click on Forgot Password

3: Enter your email address

4: You will receive an email with a link. Click on this link to reset your password

I have an old Schoology account that is not with Al-Hoda associated with my email address. What do I do?

You can either change your email address in your account by clicking on account settings, or you can delete your account by following these steps:

  1. Log on to your account from a PC
  2. Copy and paste this web address into your browser: https://app.schoology.com/settings/account/action?delete
  3. Confirm account deletion.